Improving democracy: review of Victorian Electoral Matters

Improving democracy: review of Victorian Electoral Matters Alternative formats available on request to PIAC - Contact PIAC

Improving democracy: review of Victorian Electoral Matters
inquiry into voting centres in Victoria
Bailey, Brenda.
Publication Date:
28 May 2010
Publication Type:

The Victorian Electoral Matters Committee conducted an inquiry into the functions and administration of voting centres. The submission reviewed the Victorian Electoral Commission report on the 2006 election and recommended that they continue joint voting centres and make significant improvements in providing voting centres that are wheelchair accessible. The expansion of electronic voting was also supported.

The Electoral Matters Committee has also conducted a review of the 2006 election and the PIAC submission supported their recommendations to improve access to non-english speaking voters, greater access to pre-polling and mobile voting centres and improved access to voting centres.

PIAC recommended the amendment to legislation restricting prisoners from voting and referred the Committee to the Federal Electoral Matters Committee and the evidence it published supporting automatic enrolment of electors and allowing electors to enrol and vote on election day.

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