StreetCare videos

A new
project from HPLS and its consumer advisory
group, StreetCare, uses video interviews as a way for StreetCare members to
share their stories of homelessness.

Called In their Words, the project will be included in training programs for people who
work with homeless clients. The videos can also be shown to policymakers and politicians to
improve their understanding of individual experiences of homelessness.

will also distribute the interviews via the PIAC website, YouTube and Facebook.

members including Veronica, Kevin, AJ, Ken, Mary and Tony talk about how they became homeless, the
challenges associated with being homeless, the services that assisted them, and
the importance of having government, policy makers and service providers take
account of homeless peoples’ opinions.

stories reflect the diversity of homelessness in NSW and breaks down the stereotypes that persist regarding homeless people.

member of StreetCare has their own story of facing homelessness. Some of them
have been able to secure some form of housing, but some are still homeless, or
at risk of falling back into homelessness.

interviews also show that involving homeless consumers in advocacy, training
and service design is a significant resource and a benefit for government and
homeless agencies. 

PIAC is grateful to Maddocks, Something in Common, and the Law and Justice Foundation of NSW for their support of In their Words. 

More information: Contact PIAC’s Senior Policy Officer, Lou Schetzer, for more information about this project.

Photo: StreetCare member Ken talks to Lou Schetzer. Photo by Scott Parker.

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