
Gifts left to charities in Wills come in all different shapes and sizes and are not just for wealthy people – it is for anybody thinking about doing something powerful, special and lasting. By giving a gift in your will to PIAC, you can make a real difference to people and communities who are marginalised and facing disadvantage. Every gift, large or small, helps us achieve our vision to build a fairer, stronger society by helping to change laws, policies and practices that cause injustice and inequality.

Sample wording for leaving a gift to PIAC in your will:

“I give to the Public Interest Advocacy Centre (ABN 77 002 773 524) (PIAC) [insert as appropriate: (the sum of $XX) or (the whole of my residuary estate) or (XX% of my residuary estate) and/or (the following property …..)], free of all expenses and duties of whatever kind to be used to support PIAC’s work to change laws, policies and practices that cause injustice and inequality.”

Gifts in Wills can be in the form of cash, or as non-cash gifts such as properties, artwork and shares. PIAC is endorsed as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR), which means you can claim an income tax deduction for any gift made to PIAC. However, non-cash gifts may have tax implications. If shares are sold by the Executor of the Will, they may be liable for Capital Gains Tax. We recommend that you seek financial advice as well as legal advice when leaving a non-cash gift to PIAC in your will.

To discuss making a donation towards PIAC’s work, please contact Hilary Blackman, Relationships Manager on [email protected]

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