Submission to AER Draft interim export limit guidance note

Submission to AER Draft interim export limit guidance note Alternative formats available on request to PIAC - Contact PIAC

Submission to AER Draft interim export limit guidance note
Publication Date:
30 Jan 2024
Publication Type:

PIAC responded to the AER Draft interim export limit guidance note.

Export limits are crucial to efficiently managing network congestion and ensuring consumer energy resources benefit all households and contribute to the equitable operation of the electricity system. Flexible export limits enable distibutors to maximize hosting capacity and benefit consumers by allowing higher export levels when spare capacity is available.

While supporting the interim guidance, PIAC urged the AER to promptly issue formal, binding guidance to ensure approaches to allocating network hosting capacity are transparent and consistent across distributors. Embedding export limit guidance in formal rules is necessary to establish and formalise consumer protections and ensure current arrangements remain effective.

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