AEMC Frequency Control Frameworks Review draft report

AEMC Frequency Control Frameworks Review draft report Alternative formats available on request to PIAC - Contact PIAC

AEMC Frequency Control Frameworks Review draft report
Publication Date:
2 May 2018
Publication Type:

PIAC lodged a submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission’s (AEMC) Frequency Control Frameworks Review draft report. The review examines some of the issues and potential solutions to power system stability as a result of the current transformation from a centralised generation fleet dominated by fossil-fuel to one with greater decentralised and variable renewable generation sources. PIAC outlines a number of possibilities for de-risking the transition between these two states.

PIAC’s view is that the long-term interests of consumers in the NEM is best served by managing the risks associated with that uncertainty through adaptable long-term plans rather than relying heavily on narrow forecasts. This would entail: developing longer term scenarios for the future; using a range of weighted potential scenarios for modelling rather than a single vision of what the future may look like; and developing robust and adaptable market designs.

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