Updating bail:

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Updating bail:
submission on the draft NSW Bail Bill 2010
Brown, Laura.
Publication Date:
27 Oct 2010
Publication Type:

The Bail Act 1978 (NSW) has been in need of reform for many years, particularly in relation to its negative effects on young people and Indigenous people. In PIAC’s submission in relation to the Review of the Bail Act, and the draft Bail Bill 2010, PIAC highlights the need for a general public inquiry on the Act and its proposed changes, to better inform the changes that should be made to the Act. PIAC also discusses the need for an increased consideration in the Act itself on factors affecting young people when setting bail conditions, the problems of overpolicing of breach of bail conditions, and how this could be resolved by requiring a court attendance notice to be issued for all minor breaches of bail, as well as developing additional forms showing the changes in bail status. PIAC also raises the need for further research and inquiry into alternative accommodation options for those on remand, the need for further discussion with Indigenous groups on how the Act could assist them, and that any bail conditions imposed upon a young person should be more clearly justified in reference to the objects of the Act.


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